| ** mich (abgesehen vom Titel) nicht gross erfreuender Hip Hop-Titel, gute 2*
| *** Du hip-hop passe-partout... Last edited: 02/04/2016 16:03 |
| * ▒ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.-. . . . . . . . . .``~., <br>. . . . . . . .. . . . . ,.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-., <br>. . . . .. . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :, <br>. . . . . . . .. .,?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\, <br>. . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,} <br>. . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`^`.} <br>. . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:. . . ./ <br>. . . . . . ./. . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :`. . . ./ <br>. . . . . . . /__.(. . .~-,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`. . . .. ./ <br>. . . . . . /(_. . ~,_. . . ..~,_. . . . . . . . . .,:`. . . . _/ <br>. . . .. .{.._$;_. . .=,_. . . .-,_. . . ,.-~-,}, .~; /. .. .} <br>. . .. . .((. . .*~_. . . .=-._. . .;,,./`. . / . . . ./. .. ../ <br>. . . .. . .\`~,. . ..~.,. . . . . . . . . ..`. . .}. . . . . . ../ <br>. . . . . .(. ..`=-,,. . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . ..(. . . ;_,,- <br>. . . . . ../.`~,. . ..`-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\. . /\ <br>. . . . . . \`~.*-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|,./.....\,__ <br>. . . . . . . }.>-._\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . ..`=~-, <br>. . . . . . . ._\_. . . `\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ <br>. . . . . . . . . .`=~-,,.\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ <br>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . `\. . . . . . ..__ <br>Oeps !!! . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`>-- ☺!!! |
| ** Das hat der bedrohte Panda nicht verdient. |
| * Deze panda mag wat mij betreft terug naar de dierentuin. |
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| ** Ich weiß ja nicht, wie es euch geht, aber ich als langjähriger Musikhörer entwickle mittlerweile bei manchen Songs schon nach wenigen Sekunden eine gewisse Müdigkeit, weil ich ahne, wie anstrengend die weiteren Minuten werden würden. Das ist auch hier wieder der Fall gewesen... und positive Überraschungen blieben dann eben leider auch aus. |
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| *** weniger |
| ** Der Panda ist noch das Beste an diesem Knorz...! |
| * ...Knorz ist das richtige Wort... |
| ** ...anstrengende vier Minuten... |
| ** ...Pandas sind so drollige Knuddeltiere, was man von diesen Jungs und ihrem Geschnodder hier nicht sagen kann, ich verstehe kaum ein Wort... |
| * Deze panda mag wel uitsterven eigenlijk.<br>Wat een onaangename track. |
| ** Nichts, das von Bedeutung wäre. |
| **** schmerz! whooo! brrrrrrrah! oh je!!! ...wo waren die roten plastk-becher?? schon wieder out?? :-)))<br>edit: auf einmal finde ich etwas an diesem track!?! rauf auf 4* Last edited: 01/09/2016 07:44 |
| **** I really can't put my finger on why this is so utterly entertaining. 4.5 |
| ** It's so bad even without all those stupid random noises in the background, adding that shit on just condemns this further. |
| ** Terrible<br>EDIT: still don't know what to think about this. Up to 2* now. Last edited: 28/05/2016 09:29 |
| *** Ab sofort die neue #1 in den US Hot 100... für viele wohl eine weitere miserable #1... für mich ist mir "Panda" aber fast schon lieber, da vorher Rihanna's "Work" neun Wochen anführte... naja... "Panda" ist zum Glück nicht so mies geraten, wie ich bei all den negativen Kritiken erwartet hätte.<br><br>Im Normalfall ist dieser R&B-Rap-Dingens nicht meine Musik, "Panda" ist aber nicht viel schlechter als vieles andere in diesem Genre und ich kann's ohne Probleme hier und da anhören. 3+* |
| ** Einer dieser Songs, die ich fast täglich irgendwo zu hören bekomme aber nicht grosses Interesse in mir weckt. Abgerundete 2. |
| *** Na ja - guter Rap klingt für mich anders. Last edited: 17/08/2018 09:11 |
| * Had liever de optie om helemaal geen ster te geven. |
| ** Was soll das denn? Erster Kandidat für den schlechtesten Song des Jahres. Last edited: 23/01/2017 21:17 |
| *** Zo slecht is het nou ook weer niet. Het heeft wel wat. Maar geen hoogvlieger natuurlijk. |
| * Pandas are cute. This is shit Last edited: 22/09/2016 21:35 |
| * Panda-Shit |
| *** Weird and slightly amusing. Note very slightly. |
| * Sorry überhaupt nicht mein Ding finde sogar die Note 1 zu hoch. |
| * Schrott!! Echt peinlich... |
| ****** bombe! |
| ****** Suprisingly I don't mind this one and am enjoying this at the moment. Haven't felt the need to skip it once. |
| **** I don't even like Future, the obvious influence of this and this type of music, so it's a little hard to explain why I'm liking this one so much.<br><br>I think it is because it is such a live wire song and that there is just something so addictive about his cadence.<br><br>Yeah, I'll go with that. Last edited: 20/05/2016 09:46 |
| * You're a very sick panda K8. ;P |
| * Unterirdisch. |
| * @K8 because you either overdosed or just have a shitty taste for music |
| *** Please don't attack people for their tastes. It's a bad look for you, and it makes other people feel bad for sharing their opinion.<br><br>This is not a review of the song, and it doesn't matter if I like the song or not, but I don't like seeing people being terrible people based on something as subjective as taste in music. |
| * If there are more songs like this hitting the chart in the future, I will look back at this moment as the point when I officially lost touch.<br><br>This is awful. |
| ** für die Tonne |
| * Was???bitte???ist???das?????? So ein Scheiss ey, weg damit! |
| *** niet zo sterk dees |
| *** Schwache Hip Hop Nummer. |
| ** Not sure what to think of this now. A horrible song but its entertaining too. Bordering on the guilty pleasure territory. |
| ** Ziemlich ungenießbar. |
| *** I've heard worse. . . Last edited: 15/06/2016 08:30 |
| ***** Grote hoogvlieger. |
| *** niet men ding maar scoort blijkbaar toch ... Last edited: 27/07/2016 19:08 |
| * da kommt noch ein Minus vor dir eins, das ist so schlecht. |
| * Eén van de dieptpunten van het muziekale jaar so far, deze troep zouden ze moeten verbieden! |
| *** Hier ben ik persoonlijk niet zo'n fan van |
| **** It's interesting the way the discussion and perception of media changes once its popularity expands further than its target audience. After all, the way we perceive things is largely dependent on how it relates to things we've already encountered. There's an interesting effect in that critical concensus can differ from public perception, not for any pretentious reason, but simply because the two groups are subconciously reacting to where components fit for them, and they differ because the two groups have vastly different backgrounds; the critic in a field will have by necessity, taken in far more media, and may be more liable to recognise cliches or subtle inversions.<br><br>In 2016 I've been able to observe the discussion around "Panda" as it has unfolded. Well most of it. There was a time when I could have said 'like most people, I first encountered this when Kanye West sampled it on "The Life Of Pablo", but that's not true anymore. The success of "Panda" has taken such a life of its own that it's dwarfed this initial burst. At the time of writing, "Panda" has 7 times as many plays on Spotify than "Pt. 2". It's fast becoming uncommon knowledge that this is a big factor in "Panda"'s success. I even made a quick graph of it! http://i.imgur.com/HDfx4Ui.png<br><br>Not only has the point of access changed, so has the discussion. When "The Life Of Pablo" dropped, a lot of people heard the "Panda" sample and believed it to be a guest verse by Future, myself included. The reality quickly became clear and then it became subject of debate as to how acceptable it is for Desiigner to so blatantly bite from Future, and how intentional it is. A note to that point is that Future is actually from Atlanta, and Desiigner has never been to Atlanta, which makes the hook...interesting.<br><br>But again, such is "Panda"'s popularity, it has eclipsed Future's biggest hits. Even though Future had 4 albums & mixtapes hit #1 on the Billboard 200, he's also never cracked the top 40 of US Pop airplay, even as a featured artist. He's certainly a big deal in his field, but a lot of people wouldn't recognise his name or characteristics at all. So the conversation around "Panda" changed once more. If you look at the video on YouTube now, you'll see a combination of people hunting for the best take on the fact that it sounds like the guy in the background (who is actually Desiigner) is making gun noises, and also people who think it's intolerable garbage that isn't music.<br><br>Things like this are why you can make a valid claim that popularity can dampen the experience of something. Where the breakout popularity of something extends into an audience for which the reason behind that popularity is understandably lost, and suddenly all conversation is clouded up by those reactions, the reactions to those reactions and so on.<br><br>I wouldn't say that's an issue with "Panda" though, because it's hardly some brilliant exercise in subtlety or subversion. It's just a trap banger with an infectious hook which is well aware of it, and it just goes off. I'm constantly enthralled by Desiigner's fast-paced flow in the one and only verse, while there's also something to like about the slightly uncomfortable and in your face way he delivers it; like a low-key MC Ride.<br><br>I find myself entertained by the prospect of something left-field like this grasping huge popularity, and it's that popularity that has in my opinion, turned it into part of the defining soundtrack for 2016. Strong 4. |
| *** Irgendwie ein faszinierender Song, speziell von den Hintergrundgeräuschen. Der Rap-Teil dagegen ist eher langweilig geraten. Auf jeden Fall weniger schlecht, als ich anfänglich dachte. Gute 3. |
| * Afgrijselijk |
| * Kann man sich anhören. Nicht.<br><br>Unerträglich. |
| *
| * anstrengende vier Minuten... |
| **** tof nummer van de voor mij onbekende Desiigner |
| * Schrott!! |
| * dumme musik für dumme menschen... |
| * Schrecklich!!!!!!!!!!! |
| * <br>Rubbish! |
| *** I don't understand why people have a strong reaction to this one, nor why it was a big hit. In fact I got more amusement from said reactions than from the song itself which is just there, ok-ish I guess. |
| * Da schließe ich mich der großen Mehrheit mal an.<br><br>05.08.24: In der Folge 32 (Juni 2016) des Podcasts "Musikgeschichte" haben Marcel Koltermann und Jens Krause über diesen Song gesprochen und wie immer den Künstler vorgestellt.<br> https://open.spotify.com/episode/0wG5BJMT8tEjUWDqjoVnub?Last edited: 05/08/2024 19:08 |
| **** Ziemlich coole Nummer, nicht umsonst US #1 gewesen. In den UK-Charts auch Top-10. Bei uns nur Top-20, aber dann doch #43 der Jahreshitparade.<br>Der Style erinnert an die ausgehenden 90er Jahre (Freestyler).<br>Mich wundert, dass die ganzen Hascherl, die hier negativ bewertet haben, nicht den Cro in ihre stupiden Kommentare einfließen haben lassen.. |
| **** Ich finde es erstaunlich gut. Bin aber normalerweise kein Fan von der Musik. |
| **** Falls under the category of 'it's so bad it's good'.<br>Surprised where it landed on the Hottest 100 though. |
| * na servas... |
| * Bijzonder dat Lifter500 dit zowat 3 sterren geeft, terwijl hij erom bekend staat bijna elk nummer maar 1 ster te geven! Schaam je, Lifter! Hoe dan ook, dit nummer was in Nederland een grote hit, maar ook in de Verenigde Staten was dit een erg grote hit, en erg onterecht. Waardeloos nummer! |
| **** Dab!Dab!Dab!Daaaaab! |
| * Saublödes Lied Last edited: 04/05/2017 |
| ****** Die schlechten Bewertungen wunder mich jetzt etwas. Wenn das im Club läuft ist das einer der Kracher der letzten 2..3 Jahre. Schade, dass man danach von ihm nicht mehr viel gehört hat. Dieses aktuelle Lied mit BTS ist für mich nicht so der Kracher. |
| *** I've never thought much of or needed to despise it either. I just don't understand the acclaim it received and the amount of exposure it received, it just seemed very random and came from nowhere.<br><br>P=42 |
| * Still an annoying song and the knowledge that this charted so high deeply frustrates me |
| * a waste of time<br><br>CDN: #4, 2016<br>USA: #1 (2 weeks), 2016 |
| * Een hitje waar ik nooit echt fan van geweest ben. |
| **** Naja, irgendwie... interessant? So bad it's good! Last edited: 24/08/2022 21:15 |
| * Nullnummer. Kann ich leider so gar nichts mit anfangen. :( |
| *** Niet meteen een topnummer, maar er zijn slechtere dingen in het genre gemaakt. |
| ****** Lit. |
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