Average points: 3.87 (Reviews: 31)
Only the reviews in english are displayed:
Show all languages | ****** Dit vind ik nu een goede cd meteen raak vanaf het eerste nummer |
| **** Good strong debut album a pop rock sound different to JLS's RnB and The Wanted's dance electro pop whilst appealing to a younger fan base then McFly. <br><br>128 weeks in the UK top 100. <br><br>7 weeks UK top 10. UK#2.<br>56 weeks Irish top 10. Ireland#1 (1 week).<br>Scotland#2. <br>4 weeks Hungarian top 10. Hungary#6.<br>Poland#6.<br>Greece#7.<br>Czech Republic#12.<br><br>26 weeks Canadian top 10. Canada#1 (2 weeks).<br>Mexico#1 (12 weeks).<br>23 weeks US top 10. US#1 (1 week). <br><br>Taiwan#3.<br>South Korea#4.<br>1 week Japanese top 10. Japan#6.<br><br>29 weeks top 10. World Chart#2.<br>World Chart Year End (2012): #3.<br><br>1.2 million copies sold in the UK.<br>2.1 million copies sold in the US.<br><br>Re-entry:UK#38 October 2024 RIP Liam Payne Last edited: 25/10/2024 19:31 |
| ****** actually a really good debut offering from the boyband, the highlights are "What Makes You Beautiful", "Tell Me A Lie", "Up All Night", "I Want", "Stole My Heart" Last edited: 30/11/2011 08:58 |
| ***** finds auch überraschend gut gelungen. gefällt mir gut. und die jungs sind - für boybandverhältnisse - ziemlich normal und auf dem boden geblieben. |
| ****** After falling in love with What Makes You Beautiful and it becoming my favourite song of the year, I was pretty sure that the album would definitely not live up to that awesomeness.<br><br>But by gosh it does!!! Sooo many awesome pop tracks on there, I just love One Direction. My new favourite group of the year!!! |
| **** Good debut album, Standouts for me are More Than This, Save You Tonight & What Makes You Beautiful, The only gripe i have is a few tracks sound exactly the same, Hopefully they have more diversity on there next album. |
| ****** I <3 ONE DIRECTION<br><br>Harry, Zayn, Nail, Liam, Louis <br>Supercd!!! Last edited: 22/06/2012 14:12 |
| * Told to listen to this album, fell asleep before the first track finished! |
| * Crap |
| **** gut |
| ****** One Direction ist die beste Band!!! Sie sind total witzig und auf nicht abgehoben!!! |
| * 1 |
| ****** Oh mann die rocken, da würde man am liebsten die ganze Nacht aufbleiben und das Album in Endlosschleife abspielen.<br><br>Up all night to rock 'til the morning light! |
| * wat vreselijk en kinderachtig allemaal. dit is muziek voor kinderen in groep 8 en brugklasser's. Maar dat ze er mee scoren snap ik totaal niet. Dit mag in de prullenbak samen met muziek van o.a. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez & The Jones Brothers. |
| ***** gutes Debütalbum der Englischen Boyband!! |
| *** Fuer eine Boyband gar nicht so schlecht. Da meine Cousine ein riesengrosser Fan ist gab's das auf dem Weg zum Meer. |
| *** The general public of people younger than me have a bad habit of really getting behind some really awful music. You'd hope that it'd just be insipid, but often it's really, really consistently awful. The phenomenon that is One Direction seemed to spring up overnight without me noticing, but what do they have to show for it? Incidentally, no major flaws that make me want to hate them! In fact they have a good tendency to provide catchy songs with good harmonies. <br>However, this is a whole album and I can't say that my interest didn't start to wane relatively quickly. Primarily because apart from the occasional ballad, the production is all force and it becomes labourious to tolerate. In any case, I'll stick to the positive of thank goodness they're not awful! 3.25 |
| **** it's not great, but pretty good for a debut album.<br> |
| *** Tolerabel, auch wenn das nun nicht gerade auf meinen Geschmack zugeschnitten ist :-p |
| * Why the hell is this shit still in the charts. |
| **** I never thought I would ever listen to a One Direction album. The stigma surrounding the concepts of boybands and their voices was supposedly too 'uncool' to bother with, but the irresistible and catchy nature of What Makes You Beautiful and One Thing, coupled with their continued consistency and variety with Gotta Be You and More Than This, I just had to give it a try.<br><br>Overall this is actually a very solid debut album! There are a great variety of catchy pop-rock songs, to strong ballads to even some electro-pop tracks at the end of the track listing. The production is almost flawless and supports their occasionally lacking vocals.<br><br>There are no really awful moments either. I find the weakest tracks to be Up All Night, I Wish and Same Mistakes, and only those are a little bit underwhelming. The highlight is clearly One Thing but What Makes You Beautiful, Gotta Be You, Tell Me A Lie, Save You Tonight and Stole My Heart are all really fun and enjoyable! The other unmentioned tracks are still quite good.<br><br>Unfortunately the bonus tracks aren't worth listening to either, I would personally stick to the normal CD.<br><br>It's a pity that their singles off their next album haven't impressed me as much, but their performance in the charts in the future will certainly be interesting.<br><br>Track listing: (Number in brackets denote rating of 6, * indicate released singles)<br><br>1. What Makes You Beautiful * (5)<br>2. Gotta Be You * (5)<br>3. One Thing * (6)<br>4. More Than This * (4)<br>5. Up All Night (3)<br>6. I Wish (3)<br>7. Tell Me A Lie (5)<br>8. Taken (4)<br>9. I Want (4)<br>10. Everything About You (4)<br>11. Same Mistakes (4)<br>12. Save You Tonight (5)<br>13. Stole My Heart (5)<br><br>Album average: 4.38<br>Album grade: B<br><br>Bonus tracks:<br>14. Stand Up (2)<br>15. Moments (4)<br>16. Another World (4)<br>17. Na Na Na (3)<br>18. I Should Have Kissed You (4)<br><br>Album average: 4.11<br>Final Album grade: B- Last edited: 14/04/2013 10:49 |
| **** Solider Teenie-Pop. |
| * sehr schlecht, einziges gutes lied ist Stole My Heart |
| *** De derde ster nog voor What Makes You Beautiful... |
| ***** Uitstekend album |
| ***** Zéér vlot en vrolijk debuutalbum van de Britse "Louis Tomlinson", "Niall Horan", "Liam Payne", "Zayn Malik" en "Harry Styles", of kortweg "One Direction"!! Toppie, hoor!!! ☺ |
| **** Buen álbum pop. |
| *** Bin halt nicht die Zielgruppe.<br>Die Songs selber sind teilweise nicht so schlecht. |
| ****** Ich mag dieses Album. Es sind teilweise sehr gute Songs drauf. Und "für eine Boygroup ganz gut" würde ich nicht sagen, weil Boygroups nicht immer schlecht sind. One Direction ist halt eben keine typische 0815 Boygroup! |
| **** Despite the rumours on the Internet that states that One Direction is just five clones of Justin Bieber, I had a good time with listening to this album. Now since there are several versions of the album, I'll be reviewing the Limited Yearbook Edition CD. I don't actually have the album (but my sister does have the Yearbook Edition of their second one) but I have listened to the tracks that are stated to be in that edition.<br><br>Tracklist:<br>What Makes You Beautiful (*****)<br>Gotta Be You (****)<br>One Thing (*****)<br>More Than This (****)<br>Up All Night (*****)<br>I Wish (***)<br>Tell Me A Lie (***)<br>Taken (***)<br>I Want (*****)<br>Everything About You (****)<br>Same Mistakes (***)<br>Save You Tonight (*****)<br>Stole My Heart (***)<br>Stand Up (****)<br>Moments (**)<br><br>OVERALL = 3.8ish ---> 4<br><br>As I was listening to this album, I wrote down some notes about anything and I found that a majority of the songs have a theme where the 1D boys are singing the song directly to you and they want you. Well, every song except "Taken". Then again, it is an album that's directed towards teenage girls.<br><br>What I was surprised about was how catchy some of these songs are. I particularly liked "I Want" & "Save You Tonight". I'm also surprised by how annoying it actually isn't. All of the songs are listenable and none of them make me wanna rip my ears out. It was a pretty solid pop album. |
| ***** Ein Album das ich oft höre; Ich finde es super |
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